Level 40-45
It is time for you to head to the Old Tarantia Noble's District. To get there you enter Old Tarantia and head to the Northwest corner of the zone, directly north from the traders you will find an impressive 10,00 feet tall bridge. This is a common place to find players, who no longer like AoC, throwing themselves off of. Cross the bridge while waving to the descending playerbase and zone into the Noble's district.
The Noble's District is not 'Noble' from the standpoint of being dignified, or from the standpoint of being gallant nor from the standpoint of being aristocratic. No 'Noble' in this case stands for the abbreviation (National Organization of Black Law Enforcement [NOBLE]) This place is in a friggin state of martial law. However, it is chock full of level 40-42 enemies to work through. Also quests abound a plenty.
Level 40-45 Quest NPCs
Black Dragon Barracks Market District Armsmans Tavern Temple of Mitra
Watch Captain Falco Watchman Carnifex Amedies Little Vitana
Brother Persus Zhu-Khang Travius Blacktongue Archpriest Zyras
Cario Lady Verde's Bodyguard
Villa Quest Announcer Melotedus Juna The Cook
Villa Quest Nathaniel
Villa Quest
Luco The Bouncer
Villa Quest
Key Quests: The Arena quest line is a very fun and very popular quest line to do. Its basically Hyborian MMA without all the SPIKE TV, Bikini wearing, card girls between rounds (A glaring oversight by Funcom!). However, although you can start this quest line, I recommend that you hold off doing this until Level 55ish (See below).